Information about WIPO Trademark Database Indonesia

The World Intellectual Property Organization which is also known as the WIPO was formed in 1967 with the aim “of encouraging creativity and introducing intellectual property protection worldwide.” Indonesia itself is a part of WIPO. There is a lot of information relating to the Indonesia brand in the WIPO trademark database Indonesia , we will take a look at them to see what’s in it. There Are 40,700 Data of WIPO Trademark Database Indonesia Only in the WIPO official site, there are already more than 40,000 data about Indonesia, starting from the year Indonesia has joined WIPO, information of the geography indication, the Directorate-General of Intellectual Property of Indonesia, the patents, even some easy-to-read news about Indonesia’ economy. Based on WIPO, Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP in Billion US$) has reached 3,106.46 (last updated in 2018). There is also information about the most productive companies in Indonesia applying the Madrid or PCT system. For ex...